Nuclear Obsolescence Assessment
Kurz NOA Program
Kurz developed the Nuclear Obsolescence Assessment (NOA) program for nuclear facilities to help them manage old or obsolete Kurz equipment.
The NOA program identifies and determines the integrity of existing processes using a reliable assessment that determines the viability of Kurz equipment older than 15 years, with the objective being to assist in the potential transition to newer flow measurement devices that lead to improved quality assurance through increased performance.
- Identifies equipment with a potential for high failure and determines a solution.
- Assesses and evaluates obsolete Kurz systems with the corrective action.
- Optimizes spare parts availability and inventory.
- Designs and measures preventive maintenance activities in an effort to avoid failures.
- Conforms to form-fit-and-function (if possible).
- Supports fast turn-around and proactive engineering modifications and/or upgrades.
- Complies with 10CFR 21 and 10CFR50 Appendix B.
- Training related to Kurz devices for optimizing maintenance intervals.